Welcome To BOTOA

Bangladesh Outbound Tour Operators Association (BOTOA). Our Government Applied Registration 13/2021 from Ministry of Commerce and Joint Stocke Registration No. is 1020/2021. Also Aaffileted with The Federation of Bangladesh Chember of Commerce & Industris. The association work betterment for Outbound travel industries since 2017. All our members are tour operators who specialize in packaged leisure outbound tours. Presently, 90% of the major Outbound tour operators in Bangladesh are our active members.

Bangladesh Outbound Tour Operators Association (BOTOA) is one of the youngest Travel Associations in Bangladesh that has been formed for the benefit of the members in the outbound travel trade. It is a national, non-profit organisation comprising Bangladesh’s Outbound Tour Operators, who are into serious business of selling Outbound. With the aim of having a targeted member base of 300 plus verified Tour operators, the Association strives hard, through its numerous activities and initiatives, to work towards the betterment of its members and help them in increasing their business. Its regional chapters across Bangladesh are geared to work towards the cause of not just increasing outbound from Bangladesh but also educate and sensitise the members of BOTOA towards the various prospects that can help them in building their commerce.

BOTOA aims to foster an environment of collaboration with various stakeholders through its ideology of collective ambition. All members of the association are in serious business of selling outbound and any educational insight or lucrative deal that can help them boost their business is an added bonus. BOTOA constantly endeavors’ to collaborate with International Tourism Boards and DMCs and help them realise the worth of working with serious industry people, who indeed can give them big business. Such alliances work beneficial for both – the tour operators as well as the service provider. The association here plays a key role in bringing the two together for the growth of the outbound industry in Bangladesh.

As our members are restricted to outbound operators, we expect a maximum of 500 members who will all be active members, fully engaged in BOTOA’s activities. Currently, BOTOA have 11 Board of Directors.

BOTOA is committed to establish relations with International Tourism Boards, International Associations, DMCs, Service Providers and other organisations and tourism entrepreneurs on tourism matters that will help create an international goodwill of the outbound industry. All our activities at BOTOA will be aimed towards upliftment and betterment of the Outbound Tour Operators in Bangladesh and will be in their favor, solely.

The foundation of any successful organisation is based on the level of honesty with which it operates. At BOTOA, all its members are sworn to function with honesty not just within the organisation but also to their clients and business partners, commitment to fair practices and honest conduct in their business approach

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